
United We Stand (Source: dazzlejunction.com)
So whether it is through prayer, meditation, compromise, understanding, love, compassion or the compelling interest of all for peace and success throughout America and the world, we should observe our differences and conform in compromise to the solutions providing a better world today for the ...
The Divine Authority and America a Minister´s View
Religion?If you pray to God, to whom “” or what “” are you praying?
When you sing God Bless America, whose blessing are you seeking?
America was built by both the average individual and the God fearing. An Ethical and moralistic unified people who had ethics, values, long standing foundations of truth, courage and discipline enshrined into there youth by rituals and traditions for the future generations to come. Truth is neither surreal nor can it be imposed as it is self evident in our lives, families, friends and society as a whole. As statistics and polls show most Americans believe in God despite differences in their religious practices or beliefs. For that reason the founders of America guaranteed the freedom of religious practices.
God is not the name of God, it is merely the English language term given in reference to the ultimate supreme being, or as others termed father of all creation. ×”×ל (Hebrew), or originally YHWH was the original Hebrew Language term for God which later became Yahweh. While YHWH is the usual Hebrew name of God transliterated in four letters as YHWH or JHVH and articulated as Yahweh or Jehovah ( transliteration of the tetragrammaton ) in English academic studies, the alternatives YHVH, JHVH and JHWH are also used. The cultural differences and language barriers have cause much confusion over the centuries and throughout time.
As it is written: Therefore, rejecting all falsity and being done now with it, let everyone express the truth with his neighbor, for we are all parts of one body and members one of another. Ephesians 4: 25
We are all familiar with that picturesque incident of the conflict between Israel and Amalek, which ended in victory and the erection of this memorial trophy. Moses, as you remember, went up on the mount whilst Joshua and the men of war fought in the plain. But I question whether we usually attach the right meaning to the symbolism of this event as the statue and rituals were used to symbolize the lessons that were to be remembered and passed down through the generations to come.
We are all familiar with that picturesque incident of the conflict between Israel and Amalek, which ended in victory and the erection of this memorial trophy. Moses, as you remember, went up on the mount whilst Joshua and the men of war fought in the plain. But I question whether we usually attach the right meaning to the symbolism of this event as the statue and rituals were used to symbolize the lessons that were to be remembered and passed down through the generations to come.
Let us not forget as many today often have, that symbolism is used to teach the deaf to communicate and even a child to speak. Symbolism was used even in ancient times to overcome language and cultural differences, so that there could be no confusion and that nothing could be interpreted to be taken out of context. We ordinarily, I suppose, think of Moses as interceding on the mountain with God. But there is no word about prayer in the story, and the attitude of Moses is contrary to the idea that his occupation was intercession. He sat there, with the rod of God in his hand, and the rod of God was the symbol and the vehicle of divine power.
Staffs or Rods were used by kings, called messiahs because they were said to have been chosen by God to rule and protect the people.When he lifted the rod Amalek fled before Israel; when the rod dropped Israel fled before Amalek. That is to say, the uplifted hand was not the hand of intercession, but the hand which communicated power and victory. And so, when the conflict is over, Moses builds this memorial of thanksgiving to God, and piles together these great stones“”which, perhaps, still stand in some of the unexplored valleys of that desert land“”to teach Israel the laws of conflict and the conditions of victory.
These laws and conditions are implied in the name which he gave to the altar that he built“”Jehovah Nissi, which means “˜the Lord is my Banner.´
Now, then, what do these stones, with their significant name, teach us, as they taught the ancient Israelite? Let me throw these lessons into three brief exhortations.
I. First, realize for whose cause you fight.
Religion?What about it?
Religion, is as if you do something so much in repetition that it becomes a religion, as it is a form and expression, of a particular moral and ethical code to teach one how to have good integrity and moral stature before God and your fellow citizens.
Sound familiar?
Now, then, what do these stones, with their significant name, teach us, as they taught the ancient Israelite? Let me throw these lessons into three brief exhortations.
I. First, realize for whose cause you fight.
Religion?What about it?
Religion, is as if you do something so much in repetition that it becomes a religion, as it is a form and expression, of a particular moral and ethical code to teach one how to have good integrity and moral stature before God and your fellow citizens.
Sound familiar?
It is the truth and message behind religion that has purpose.It is a system of rituals to remind us, by ceremonies and practices, not to forget God´s message. We as Americans must never forget that, and resolve our differences to seek true unity once again in our lives, our homes and our nation. Division was not God´s message nor was it Americas. America´s message was “united we stand divided we fall“. A message so simple it need not be explicated as it transcends all language barriers throughout the world. Like unruly children are separated, America has lost its unity, but even unruly children are reunited once they have resolved their differences or compromised with a peaceful resolution.
So what of this new age? Can all God´s children or even the average individual learn to get along once again to advance the prosperity of a great nation? One person to the next can be a small miracle or a helping hand as the saying goes “it is the little things that count“. So what if? America found God through religion once again or just found God? What if even those disbelieving could see the truth in loving or simply caring about your fellow citizens as a whole only makes a nation and its unity stronger.
During the Reagan years America was at a climb and deeply rooted in God. Why not give it back to God or at least understand the true meaning behind the freedom of religion to change our attitudes on economics, justice, social morality, war, natural disasters, science, politics, love and much more to further the success of America and its people. Once again a time has come to recognize blessings by God, or the mass insanity of falling away from both God and sound morals and ethics, as the social and economic decline have demonstrated with clarity in the recent years.
Most of America's first settlers came for the purpose of being free to express their religious beliefs in accordance with their own consciences. Yet it is undeniable that America has changed greatly since that time, forsaking moral values, growing colder, greedy and careless of its citizens and lowering the moral of its people. Throughout the centuries, there have been many events which have been turning points of decline, decline which has occurred in mainly the churches and schools of America.
Most of America's first settlers came for the purpose of being free to express their religious beliefs in accordance with their own consciences. Yet it is undeniable that America has changed greatly since that time, forsaking moral values, growing colder, greedy and careless of its citizens and lowering the moral of its people. Throughout the centuries, there have been many events which have been turning points of decline, decline which has occurred in mainly the churches and schools of America.
Three men that lived and worked in the nineteenth century would have a profoundly detrimental effect on America; Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, and Julius Wellhausen. The publishing of Charles Darwin´s book, The Origin of Species, in 1859, laid the foundation for even greater corruption of thought in America through the theory of evolution. No longer was it necessary to believe in a Creator, for things could somehow “create“ themselves out of nothing! Sigmund Freud went on to develop his own ideas based on logical conclusions from Darwin´s theory, and building these ideas into the sciences of psychology and psychiatry.
From this man came the notion that we can understand ourselves through our feelings, and this still impacts society today, as we are told to do what makes us feel good. Thus, we wouldn't want to believe in a God who hates sin, or morals that say its wrong, because sin without any ethical foundation has been marketed to be pleasing to us.
Truth shall spring up from the earth, and righteousness shall look down from heaven. Psalm 85: 11
Behold, You desire truth in the inner being; make me therefore to know wisdom in my inmost heart. Psalm 51: 6
Rather, let our lives lovingly express truth [in all things, speaking truly, dealing truly, living truly]. Enfolded in love, let us grow up in every way and in all things into Him Who is the Head, [even] Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One). Ephesians 4: 15
God is a Spirit (a spiritual Being) and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (reality). John 4: 24
In 1963, prayer was removed from schools in yet another attempt to rid America of any reference to God.President Ronald Reagan recognized the danger of this act when he said:
“Our Pledge of Allegiance states that we are “˜one nation under God,´ and our currency bears the motto, “˜In God We Trust.´ The morality and values such faith implies are deeply embedded in our national character. Our country embraces those principles by design, and we abandon them at our peril. Yet in recent years . . . Americans . . . [have] for the sake of religious tolerance . . . forbidden religious practice in the classrooms. The law of this land has effectively removed prayer from our classrooms. How can we hope to retain our freedom through the generations if we fail to teach our young that our liberty springs from an abiding faith in our Creator?“
Thus if we look to the words of the early founders, we see that their desire and conviction was to build a nation who would fear and honor the Lord. However, soon the people of America would forget their reasons for coming to the new world. With each passing generation, America´s people became less and less God fearing. Tolerance lead to acceptance of many Christian denominations and sects, and this in turn laid the foundation for tolerance of many non-Christian religions. J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur, a late eighteenth century author, described America as a land where “religion demands little of [one]“ and as a place where all manner of religions could blend together smoothly.
He notes how “Children will therefore grow up less zealous and more indifferent in matters of religion than their parents,“ and concludes by proudly acknowledging how “all sects are mixed together as well as all nations; thus religious indifference in imperceptibly disseminated from one end of the continent to the other. . .“
And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free. John 8: 32
And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free. John 8: 32
It is interesting to note that early Americans were facing a land of emptiness; their future and all their well-being held no security. Therefore, these people recognized their daily need for God, and their circumstances kept them dependent on Him. However, we may note that as America grew more established and economically stable, her people began to forsake God, not recognizing their constant need for Him. The words of Jesus ring true, as he stated that “And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.“ More importantly, they began to disregard their need for a Savior, and turned away from God.
Now religion is yet another thing that people may seek to make themselves happy, and thus may be pursued in any way shape or form (The pursuit of Life, Libertyy and Happiness). Scripture makes it quite clear what must be done to reverse the tide of evil, yet many Christians wonder why America is in such a dire situation, while at the same time disregarding God´s admonition. “If My people, who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.“
Thus the above quote from Ronald Reagan could be perceived as the pursuit of life, libeety and happiness.
Thus the above quote from Ronald Reagan could be perceived as the pursuit of life, libeety and happiness.
So what Happened America? What happened to the values morals and ethics from the time of prosperity?
It becomes discerning when the representatives seek to discriminate against those protected by the first amendment of the United States Constitution. It is unconscienable they would even do it in a public forum before the eyes of all like unruly children.
It becomes discerning when the representatives seek to discriminate against those protected by the first amendment of the United States Constitution. It is unconscienable they would even do it in a public forum before the eyes of all like unruly children.
On July 17, 1980, Ronald Reagan accepted the Republican Presidential nomination.
"Thank you very much. We´re using up prime time. Thank you very much. You´re singing our song. Well, the first thrill tonight was to find myself for the first time in a long time in a movie on prime time. But this, as you can imagine, is the second big thrill. Mr. Chairman, Mr. Vice-President-to-be, this convention, my fellow citizens of this great nation:
"Thank you very much. We´re using up prime time. Thank you very much. You´re singing our song. Well, the first thrill tonight was to find myself for the first time in a long time in a movie on prime time. But this, as you can imagine, is the second big thrill. Mr. Chairman, Mr. Vice-President-to-be, this convention, my fellow citizens of this great nation:
With a deep awareness of the responsibility conferred by your trust, I accept your nomination for the Presidency of the United States. I do so with deep gratitude. And I think also I might interject on behalf of all of us our thanks to Detroit and the people of Michigan and to this city for the warm hospitality we've enjoyed. And I thank you for your wholehearted response to my recommendation in regard to George Bush as the candidate for Vice President.
I´m very proud of our party tonight. This convention has shown to all America a party united, with positive programs for solving the nation´s problems, a party ready to build a new consensus with all those across the land who share a community of values embodied in these words: family, work, neighborhood, peace and freedom.
Now I know we've had a quarrel or two but only as to the method of attaining a goal. There was no argument here about the goal. As President, I will establish a liaison with the 50 Governors to encourage them to eliminate, wherever it exists, discrimination against women. I will monitor Federal laws to insure their implementation and to add statutes if they are needed.
Now I know we've had a quarrel or two but only as to the method of attaining a goal. There was no argument here about the goal. As President, I will establish a liaison with the 50 Governors to encourage them to eliminate, wherever it exists, discrimination against women. I will monitor Federal laws to insure their implementation and to add statutes if they are needed.
(For The Full Article click the More Information Link Below)
So whether it is through prayer, meditation, compromise, understanding, love, compassion or the compelling interest of all for peace and success throughout America and the world, we should observe our differences and conform in compromise to the solutions providing a better world today for the future and prosperity of the people and their children tomorrow.
So whether it is through prayer, meditation, compromise, understanding, love, compassion or the compelling interest of all for peace and success throughout America and the world, we should observe our differences and conform in compromise to the solutions providing a better world today for the future and prosperity of the people and their children tomorrow.
more information: https://www.facebook.com/theobjectivereview
Unity Freedom Free Speech Authority America Politics Religion Constitutions Conflict Compromise World Peace
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